See How They Fly, I’m Crying
It is a heartbreaking time to love this
wretched world and fellow humans.
– Alina Stefanescu
[…making me recall WC Williams, his believing how tough
it is to get the news from poems, yet each day we die “miserably,”
he said – because of what we don’t find there, what we miss,
what is lost – because…]
all news is a gaggle a careless fluke
in broken flight / humanity is or has
become or always was a dark cancer
walking staggering the uninvited the
living dead in everything / closed eyes
watching falling / where the heart was:
money / instead of blood: hate / in place
of dreams: yes yes yes / hollow sounding
thuds empty heads bouncing rolling on
asphalt / paper bags blown over broken
fields never stopping going everywhere
going nowhere / what is truth: impossible
to find / who is safe: no one / who is the
enemy: I am you are we are all together