a cento for the birds
listen! ps-SEET ptsick tseet, peeWEET psit, high tsee, chek low, slow, rich toop, plick-plick-plick or pwit-pwit-pwit, chipa-chipa-chipa, chee-chee-chee sneezy fitz-bew, a burry zip warble, tek, a sparrow dipped in raspberry juice whistles, trills, chip, kew, twitter, flashy sparrow flits sweet buttery yellow whistle, high, hissing note and seet rufous flanks buzzing, a taut rubber band yellow black cap, a long puckering kiss whinny and a high sharp pik, acrobatic forager thin sweet whistle tinkling, bubbly, tumbling and trilling - "pinnacle of song complexity" upward-spiraling, flutelike, bell-like peep, "water drip" call short, burry song and low, rattling, chuckling call notes stuttering, clattering song, loud, clanking, a tsip sharp and metallic, a dry jip rich, fast, rollicking, rapid, undulating, and burbling did you hear? warbler, vireo, chickadee, wren, finch, sparrow, woodpecker, crossbill kinglet, thrush, robin, hummingbird, siskin, tanager, waxwing, flycatcher jay, swallow, merlin, crow, raven, eagle * all bird and sound descriptions from Cornell Lab of Ornithology "All About Birds" https://www.allaboutbirds.org