one-channel separation

a frankenpo, sources:  
Davis, Billie. “I Was a Hobo Kid.” New Horizons through Reading and Literature, Brewton, John E., Babette Lemon & Marie Ernst (Eds), Laidlaw Brothers Inc., 1958, pp. 24-30.
Free, John. “Call from Your Car.” Science Year: The World Book Science Annual (1985), World Book Inc., pp. 259.

I was born into that
conventional system—
powdery, crumbling, the constant 
switching & reuse of channels 

For months we camped under the tamarack trees
& I would slip furtively inside 
the local telephone network

There were city schools
There were sand-scratched signals 
There were so many children

in the little square towns
It meant staying awhile
connected to simultaneous conversations

No single cell, no stairs at all—
only a honeycomb of geographic regions
miles from the transmitter 

& beside a row of tamarack trees 
squeezed in as though 
holding their breath—

Two hundred and fifty blue houses

Danielle McMahon

​​Danielle McMahon’s most recent work can be found in Genrepunk, Street Cake, and Unlost.

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