Dragonfly in Waiting (Photography)

Beverly M. Collins
3 Questions for Beverly
What was your process for creating the work?
My process these days when I'm out with my camera, is to stay open to whatever great images may present themselves. On this particular day, I had arrived at this location to capture photos of ducks and turtles. However, since I was near a body of water, this lovely dragonfly landed on a rock right near the rock I was seated upon. He held this position quite a long period of time. It was as if he were posing for me and the Dragonfly became my favorite shots of the day.
What is the significance of the medium you chose for this work?
The significance of the medium is to share the awesome designed miracle in some of nature that we take for granted (regarding our enjoyment) and overlook in our daily lives. We can be caught up in focusing on what we don't like and letting "what we don't like" monopolize our attention. And, while we are being too serious, we overlook the simple things that make this ride called life...that has an end date for all of us...joyful.
What is the significance of the work?
To show the geometry in the Dragonfly's wing pattern. Look at how it is exceptional in its design and balance. To give attention to nature is soothing. It feels like flow. It benefits me to turn off my phone and notice nature uninterrupted.
Author of the books, Quiet Observations: Diary thought, Whimsy and Rhyme and Mud in Magic. Her works appear in California Quarterly, Poetry Speaks! A year of Great Poems and Poets (Sourcebooks Inc.), The Hidden and the Divine Female Voices in Ireland, The Journal of Modern Poetry (Chicago), Spectrum, Peeking Cat Literary (London), Altadena Poetry Review, The Galway Review (Ireland), Verse of Silence (India), Merak Magazine (London), Scarlet Leaf Review (Canada), Wild Word Magazine (Berlin), The Readers and Writers Magazine (UK), Truth Serum Press/Bequem Publishing (Australia) and others.
Winner of a 2019 Naji Naaman Literary Prize in Creativity (Lebanon). Collins is also a prize winner for the California State Poetry Society, twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize and “short listed” for the Pangolin Review Poetry Prize (Mauritius). Her photography can be found on the cover of Peeking Cat 40, displayed online by The Academy of the Heart and Mind, printed on Fine Art America products, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, Wend Poetry, Spectrum, and others.
Website: https://beverlym-collins.pixels.com