Tell the Bees (Visual Art)

Linda Hawkins
3 Questions for Linda
What was your process for creating this piece?
My painting was done with watercolor — starting with a light pencil sketch and finishing with a bit of micron ink for details. No reference photo used, just an idea in my head.
What is the significance of the medium you chose for this work?
I love to work in watercolor, that is my medium of choice. I like how the paint works with the paper, paints blend easily, and results can be achieved quickly. I don’t always use ink for details, but felt the style of this painting called for it.
What is the significance of this work to you?
I had researched various ‘folklore’ for another project, and came upon this interesting story referred to as ‘telling the bees’. Origin is Celtic mythology, believing the bees are a link to the spirit world. It was/is believed if you wanted to send a message to the dead, just tell the bees, they would deliver. I love thinking that is possible!
Linda Hawkins is a self-taught watercolor artist and photographer, living on the central coast of California. Her visual art has appeared, or is forthcoming in — Flash Frog, The Jupiter Review, Pithead Chapel, Wrongdoing Magazine, Moss Puppy Mag, and Acropolis Journal. She can be found on Twitter: @lindamayhawkins and at lindamayhawkins.com