The Mothers
Of whom we know nothing.[^1] Of whom we do not even know the birthplace.[^2] Of whom we know almost nothing. 56 years, one town.[^3] Of whom we know almost nothing. Outlived her husband.[^4] Of whom we know very little. Outlived her daughter.[^5] Of whom we know very little. Witnessed two centuries from one town.[^6] Of whom we know even less. Daughter of Peder. Strong Dane Kvinde.[^7] All we know of her: shaved headed mohawk woman. Lost her baby on the boat to America.[^8] A midwife against the dangers of long dresses. Tripping hazard. Harder to run.[^9] A way her obituary betrayed her: a name like Birdie, yet they called her Mrs. John.[^10] Hair like her beehive state. Honey-stunning. The first time I've ever loved my nose.[^11] Called abuser, called angel. Called, most importantly quiltmaker. Steady hands regardless.[^12] A teacher, seeking pianohands in every crowd. Refused to hit her children. Cyclestopper.[^13] She wants only for you to know she loves me.[^14]

[^2]: Maren (1634-1700)
[^3]: Ane (1674-1720)
[^4]: Anna (1710-1788)
[^5]: Marie (1740-1831)
[^6]: Johanne (1770-1830)
[^7]: Marie (1793-1866)
[^8]: Karen Johanne (1831-1853)
[^9]: Ane Cecilie (1858-1955)
[^10]: Carrie Birdie (1884-1958)
[^11]: Laura (1908-1992)
[^12]: Emma VerNae (1931-2021)
[^13]: Susan (1952-)
[^14]: Jenny (1975-)