
3 Questions for Rose
What was your process for creating this work?
This work came out as inspiration from one of the haiku, I wrote ---
Poised days On an office desk The statue of a Buddha
Which I wanted to convert into a haiga poetry form.
After a point, I thought this art could stand alone without a haiku so it would give it a broad spectrum for interpretation. Traditional Haiga is a combination of haiku and a complimentary painting; modern haiga can be a fusion of a photograph; mixed medium; recently I have been trying to incorporate line drawing illustrations/ doodles along with haiku to contribute to this field of art. The medium involved in creating “tranquil" was a pencil drawing on paper with an ink pen.
What is the significance of the medium you chose for this work?
During pandemic and quarantine, most of the offices were closed. If in case any of the offices that were open, people had to behave as everything was normal despite the waves that continued to knock at our feet—someone’s relative taking their last breath and the entire world struggling to stand firm with the economy spilling all their eggs left in their basket in vain; nothing seems prudent except the vaccine and a little progress in making it available for people; any normal human would like to sit and exhale worrisome havoc and find peace in this chaos to sustain the most poised state of mind hence, for Artists, tranquil is where we find our creativity running.
What is the significance of this work to you?
Much like a mare, I don’t like to sit ideal when it comes to art so I keep changing my style of poetry writing, switching from one form of poetry to another. When it comes to tranquil, I did switch from my pencil portrait sketching/oil painting to line drawings; illustrations and mixed media as “tranquil “ shows my habit of trotting from one form of art to another so I believe ROSE-mare is the best-suited name for me, also grazing across pastures where mares canter; I hope you can relate to that connotation...
Rose is a poet from India; editor in chief at open-leaf press review literary journal. She had her work published in failed haiku journal; poetrypea journal; creatrix haiku journal; the daily haiga gallery; narrow road literary journal; ode to queer journal; Neo journal; howling press; has a work forth coming in the SAHITYA AKADEMI.